ROC school in Tilburg
Source: Ron Maijen - WikiMedia
You may not have to pay the tuition for your MBO education
Published at: 6/4/2024, 12:00 AM

Are you going to follow an MBO education? You might not need to pay tuition fees if you fall under the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) or if you have applied for asylum but have not been granted a residence permit. You must then submit an application to Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) before 31 July 2024.

You must meet these conditions 

To be eligible, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. You are not entitled to study funding or any other contribution to your study costs because you do not have Dutch citizenship.

  2. You cannot pay the tuition fees and there is no organisation to pay it for you.

  3. You are 18 or older but under 31 on 1 August, at the beginning of the school year.

In addition, 1 of the following situations applies to you:

  • You have a

    or . You can tell this by the letter W or W2 next to the photo on your ID.

  • You have a type for medical treatment of yourself or a family member.

  • You are deported and are on a return journey.

  • You are deported and, according to the

    Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA)
    , cannot return to your country of origin, for example due to illness.

  • You are deported and living in a family location.

  • You are covered by the

    Temporary Protection Directive (TPD)

Please note: If you have already paid the tuition fee, you will not get it back. To take advantage of this arrangement, you must fill out an application form and send it to DUO by 31 July 2024.

Download form
You will find the form via this link. You must download the form, fill it in and send it to DUO. On the form is the address. The form is in Dutch.

You may also not have to pay tuition after your 30th birthday

If you turned 30 or older during your education, you may still not have to pay tuition, if you meet the other rules. Starting on your 30th birthday, you must submit a request to

each year not to pay tuition.

This is only possible if you are enrolled in your education without interruption. So you cannot temporarily stop and start your education again. Every year you have to show DUO that you still meet the rules.

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