Return Afghanistan

If you are thinking about returning to your country of origin, this page about Afghanistan will provide you with information about what allowances are available and which organisations can help you return.

Independent return to your country of origin

Choosing to return to your country yourself is not easy. Sometimes it is difficult to return for practical reasons. For example, if you do not have the necessary travel documents.

Sometimes there are emotional reasons that make the decision to return difficult. For example, feelings of shame, failure or uncertainty about the future. Sometimes you also have to rebuild a social network in your country and search for a home and job.

If you are thinking about leaving the Netherlands, several organisations can help you return to your country of origin. Help from these organisations is free.

Allowances for returning

Allowance for reintegration

You can receive an additional allowance from the Dutch government to make a fresh start in your country of origin. You get the allowance to pay for goods or services for this purpose. There are several organisations with projects that provide the reintegration allowance in the country of origin.

For example, you can use the allowance to attend training or pay for supplies for your own business. You can get a small part of the allowance in cash. The allowance is:

  • €1,800 for an adult (maximum €300 cash).

  • €2,800 for an accompanying child or an unaccompanied minor child (maximum €300 in cash).

Organisations that can help you in the Netherlands

Cooperation organisations in country of origin

VluchtelingenWerk does not consider the conditions for return to Afghanistan safe. Therefore, we do not have a cooperation partner in Afghanistan to support you.

Other organisations may have a partner in Afghanistan who could support you with your return. For more information, contact these organisations or ask your supervisor at VluchtelingenWerk.