The rules of life in COA reception centre
Source: Regels in de COA-opvang
The house rules in the COA reception centre
Last updated: 1/12/2024, 11:51 AM

The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) has house rules that are valid in every reception centre. These house rules are about living together in the reception centre and about safety. Read more about COA's house rules here.

If you do not follow the house rules, the COA can:

  • Withhold part of your weekly allowance.

  • Transfer you to a reception centre with a strict regime. This happens in case of a serious offence.

  • Call in the police in case of criminal behaviour.

You have an obligation to report at your reception centre

You must report to the

at least once a week. This is called the obligation to report. This rule applies to all COA locations. You must report at a time and place indicated by COA. You will receive information about your obligation to report at your reception centre. If you have a good reason not to report, please let a COA employee know.

House rules on living together in the reception centre
House rules about living at the reception centre
House rules on fire safety at the reception centre
House rules on responsibility at the reception centre
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