About us

RefugeeHelp provides independent information on a variety of issues you may face as a refugee in the Netherlands. The information you find on this platform comes from the independent human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.

VluchtelingenWerk provides the most up-to-date information on the website and through social media, the legal help desk and hotline. VluchtelingenWerk is also active in asylum centres and other reception centres to provide refugees with independent information.

Managed & published by:

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland supports refugees and asylum seekers from the moment of their arrival in the Netherlands until they have found their way independently.

Made possible by:

Since 1989, the Nationale Postcode Loterij has been supporting charities that are working towards a just, green and healthy world. Thanks to our participants, we are able to support 148 charities every year.

As your premium technology partner and trusted advisor, we have only one goal: Turning digital opportunities into great successes. We are passionate, we work faster, are stubborn when needed and always focused on your interests. We are therefore proud of the enormously high valuation of our customers. Navara creates impact.

We are SparkOptimus – Europe's #1 digital strategy consultant. We help organisations unlock the power of disruption – translating new technologies into opportunities for your business.

In collaboration with:

  • COA
  • CoMensha
  • Defence for Children
  • Global Talk
  • IND
  • Het Juridisch Loket
  • Kerk in Actie
  • Leger des Heils
  • MIND Korrelatie
  • Nidos
  • NJi
  • Nova
  • Ukrainians in the Netherlands
  • Open Embassy
  • Pharos
  • Refugee Talent Hub
  • Rode Kruis
  • Save the Children
  • Slachtofferhulp Nederland
  • Stichting Bevordering Huisdierenwelzijn
  • Stichting Vluchteling
  • Takecarebnb
  • UAF
  • Welcome App
  • Voedselbanken