Picturing Success participants conclude the master class series together.
Source: NTR / Net in Nederland

Sign up for free master classes for filmmakers, photographers, designers and animators

Last updated: 9/25/2024, 11:28 AM
Organised by:The logo of Net in Nederland: online platform of newcomers.

Do you have experience as a filmmaker, photographer, designer or animator and would like a career in Dutch media? Then sign up for the free master classes 'Picturing Success'! Read how it works here.

What will you learn during the master classes?

The 'Net in Nederland' online platform of the Dutch Foundation for Public Broadcasting (NPO) is organising a series of 7 master classes called 'Picturing Success'.

Here you will learn, among other things, how to:

  • Be able to present ideas well.

  • Be able to start your own media company.

  • Build a network in the Dutch media landscape.

At the end of the master classes, you will make a final presentation. In it you can present your work to people who have been working in media in the Netherlands for some time.

Who are these master classes for?

You can sign up for these master classes if:

  • You are 18 years of age or older.

  • You speak English well. The course will be taught in English.

  • You have work experience as a filmmaker, photographer, graphic designer or animator. You do not have to have gained this work experience in the Netherlands. Especially if you have work experience in your country of origin you are welcome to apply.

  • You have fled to the Netherlands and have been in the Netherlands for between 0 and 7 years.

  • You are available on all course dates: 22 August, 5 September, 19 September, 3 October, 17 October, 31 October, 14 November and 28 November.

You do not have to have an asylum residence permit yet to participate. You can also apply for the master classes if you have fled from Ukraine. Or if you have applied for asylum but have not yet received a decision from the

Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)

Where are the master classes?

The master classes take place on Thursdays at the Mediapark in Hilversum. Your travel expenses to the master classes will be reimbursed.

How do you sign up?

Want to participate? Send an e-mail to picturingsuccess@ntr.nl by 1 June 2024 with a short text about yourself and your work experience in media. Also send your CV along with it.

There is space for a total of 10 participants. After registering, you will hear if you have been chosen to participate.

'Net in Nederland'
'Net in Nederland' is part of the Dutch Foundation for Public Broadcasting (NPO). It offers information for and by newcomers. Visit the website for more information.

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