The Rooted Festival will be held on World Refugee Day. In Hilversum, especially for refugees.
Source: Rooted Festival, UNHCR

Come to the Rooted Festival on World Refugee Day

Last updated: 9/25/2024, 11:27 AM
Organised by:UNHCR Nederland's logo.

On World Refugee Day (Thursday, 20 June 2024), UNHCR is hosting a festival especially for refugees. During the Rooted Festival, 300 people will come together to share stories in English. Come to the festival, too!

Celebrate World Refugee Day yourself at UNHCR's Rooted Festival

On Thursday, 20 June, UNHCR together with other organisations is organising the Rooted Festival in Hilversum, on the edge of the heath, from 13:00 to 22:00. This festival is for people who themselves have a refugee or migration background. And who want to connect with others who recognise or understand this.

It will be a day of engaging gatherings, with interesting speakers, short films, panel discussions and music. Visitors are invited to share stories and learn about each other's roots, identities and building a new life. The language of the festival will be English.

UNHCR Rooted Festival recruitment flyer

Get your tickets for the Rooted Festival

Want to be at the festival? Then you need a ticket. A ticket gives access to all meetings, speakers and performances. And you get food and two drinks.

Read more about the festival on the Rooted Festival website
Read more about the Rooted Festival on the website of the same name. The Rooted Festival will be held on World Refugee Day Thursday, 20 June 2024

Would you like to go to this festival, but do not have the money to buy a ticket? Then send an e-mail to and ask if there are any free tickets still available.

You can order tickets on this Rooted Festival ticket page
There are for tickets of various prices for the Rooted Festival on World Refugee Day. If you have a refugee or migration background yourself and do not have the money for a ticket, please send an email to

World Refugee Day is a day we celebrate the Refugee Convention

The 1st World Refugee Day was celebrated in 2001. At that time, the

Refugee Convention
of the
United Nations
had existed for 50 years. UNHCR decided this was cause for celebration and proclaimed
World Refugee Day

The Refugee Convention is still the basis for asylum policy in many countries today. Also in the Netherlands. It determines when someone should legally be considered a refugee and how countries should treat refugees.

Other celebrations during World Refugee Day 

On World Refugee Day, several Dutch organisations celebrate the existence of the Refugee Convention. For example, the Refugee Foundation organises the Night of the Refugee. They are doing so for the 15th time this year.

On the night of Saturday, 15 June to Sunday, 16 June, 7,000 people will walk 10, 20 or 40 kilometers to draw attention to and raise money for emergency aid for refugees in various places around the world. Registration for this has already closed; you can no longer sign up for this.

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