This is what you need to arrange if you have been given a house by the municipality
When you are assigned a house, there are many things you need to take care of. For example, you have to take out an energy contract and pass on your change of address. On this page you will find a list of all the things you need to do.
You can probably borrow money from the municipality to furnish your home
Most municipalities allow you to get a loan to furnish your 1st home. This is called a furnishing loan. This loan helps you buy furniture and other important items. The amount of the furnishing loan varies by municipality. The furnishing loan is usually a loan, which means that you will eventually have to pay back the money you borrow to the municipality.
In some municipalities there are also options where you do not have to pay the money back, depending on your situation. Contact your municipality to ask what the options are and how to apply.
You arrange the provisions and finances of your home
You arrange the following things in terms of money and provisions in your home: