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Source: Leefgeld

You can borrow money from DUO

Last updated: 9/25/2024, 11:33 AM

You need to pay for your civic integration course and exams yourself. You can pay for the civic integration course and exams with a loan from the Dutch government if your school meets the requirements.

You can borrow money from DUO

If you have an asylum residence permit, you can borrow money from the Dutch government for your civic integration course and exams. You can get this from

Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO)

If you finish the civic integration within the civic integration period, you do not have to repay the loan. If you fail to pass your civic integration exam on time and DUO has not given you an extension of your civic integration period, you have to repay (part of) the loan to DUO. How much you have to repay depends on how much you borrowed.

Conditions to borrow money for your civic integration

If you would like to borrow money from DUO for your civic integration, you need to choose a school with the

'Blik op Werk'
quality mark.

Only for these schools can you borrow money from DUO for your civic integration course and exams. This is not possible for other schools.

'Zoek inburgeringsschool'
You can find civic integration schools in your area on the 'Zoek inburgeringsschool' website.
You can borrow this amount from DUO

You may borrow a maximum of € 1,250 from DUO for every 3 months. Based on this amount, schools calculate how many teaching hours they can give you. As a result, most schools will give you a maximum of 9 hours of lessons per week. Discuss things with the school if you need more lessons.

Paying back money to DUO

If you have to repay money to DUO, you will get a letter about this. The letter will tell you how much you have to pay back. And when you have to start.

You do not have to repay the loan in 1 lump sum. You get a total of 10 years for this. Every month you pay the same amount to DUO. DUO will automatically deduct this amount from your bank account.

Please note that, because it is a loan, you (may) have to pay interest. The amount of interest you have to pay remains the same for 5 years. After those 5 years, the rate may change.

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