Source: Karolina Grabowska
Waiting for the IND's decision
Last updated: 25/09/2024, 11:31
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) has 6 months to decide whether to grant you a permanent residence permit. Those 6 months start after you make the application.
Awaiting the decision in the Netherlands
The INDDigiD
Track the status of your application for a permanent residence permit by logging on to the IND website.
Sometimes the IND takes longer than 6 months to make the decision
Sometimes it takes longer before you receive a decision from the IND. This happens, for example, when your application is not complete. Or when the IND has to do extra research.
You will then get a letter from the IND saying they need more time. The IND adds the time of extension to the 6 months that the IND has standard time to decide.