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Source: Anete Lusina

You choose the course that best suits you with the municipality

Last updated: 9/25/2024, 11:27 AM

There are different ways to undergo civic integration. You will discuss this with your municipality. It is useful to assess which method of civic integration suits you best. Read here how to do this.

Assessment of which pathway suits you best

The 'B1-route' (B1 pathway)

The goal of the 'B1 route' (B1 pathway) is to learn the language as quickly as possible while also working. 

  • For the civic integration exam, you take language lessions. You combine this with paid work or volunteer work.

  • You learn the Dutch language at language level

    and take exams in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

  • You will take the

    'Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij' (KNM)

  • You take the

    'Module Arbeidsmarkt & Participatie' (MAP)

  • You follow the

    'Participatieverklaringstraject' (PVT)

The 'onderwijsroute' (educational pathway, o-route)

The purpose of the o-route is to pursue education in the Netherlands, such as MBO, HBO or university, and at the same time get your civic integration.

  • You learn the Dutch language at

    level. This is simple Dutch. You take exams in reading, writing, speaking, listening.

  • In total, you take 1,000 hours of Dutch language lessons and 500 hours of lessons in other subjects. If you go to HBO or university, you will learn Dutch at a higher level:

    . In some university studies, you will even learn up to

  • You will take the

    'Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij' (KNM)

  • You follow the

    'Participatieverklaringstraject' (PVT)

The 'zelfredzaamheidsroute' (self-sufficiency pathway, z-route)

The goal of the z-route is to be able to participate in Dutch society.

  • You learn the Dutch language to be able to live independently in the Netherlands. You learn Dutch to


  • You take at least 800 hours of Dutch language lessons.

  • You attend at least 800 hours of activities through which you learn more about the Netherlands. These can be volunteering, creative or sports activities.

  • You do not have to take exams.

  • You take the

    'Module Arbeidsmarkt & Participatie' (MAP)

  • You follow the

    'Participatieverklaringstraject' (PVT)

  • You will take lessons for

    'Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij' (KNM)

  • You pass the 'zelfredzaamheidsroute' if you have a good final interview with your contact person at the municipality.

Write down in advance what your work experience and education are

You can write down what work and training you have done before your interviews with the municipality. You can do this in a CV.

On this page you can read more about applying for a job. For example, how to write a CV.

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