Two women sit across from each other.
Source: Christina Morillo

You make a personal plan with the municipality

Last updated: 9/25/2024, 11:33 AM

Together with the municipality, you come up with a personal plan about your civic integration. You write down this plan and the agreements you make together. Your municipality will pay for your civic integration.

These appointments will be in your personal plan

Together with the municipality, you come up with a plan for your civic integration. This is called a civic integration and participation plan ('Plan Inburgering en Participatie', PIP). In this plan, you make agreements about:

  • What method of civic integration you choose and what you will take exams in

  • The amount of time you need to successfully complete civic integration.

  • Important support you can take advantage of, such as financial support. Or child care if you have children.

  • The guidance and assistance needed to successfully complete the civic integration process.

  • The contents of the

    'Module Arbeidsmarkt en Participatie' (MAP)

  • Or you will take the

    'Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij' (KNM)

  • The contents of the

    'Participatieverklaringstraject' (PVT)

  • How the municipality and you will keep track of whether the plans made will work. And how the municipality can help you. For example, by having conversations.

The municipality provides information on the cost of civic integration

Civic integration basically costs you nothing. The municipality in which you live pays for your civic integration course and your exams. In some municipalities you can also receive travel expenses or other financial support. For example, if you have children. The municipality can inform you about this.

You must abide by the agreements contained in the PIP

Both you and the municipality must keep to the agreements in the PIP. You can be fined if you do not keep to these agreements and therefore do not meet your civic integration obligation on time. You will also have to pay for your exams yourself if you take exams at a lower level than agreed in your PIP.

You can sometimes adjust the PIP if the situation changes

If your personal situation changes, for example with regard to work or education, the plan can sometimes be adjusted. The municipality can then adjust the plan together with you, so that you can integrate within the 'inburgeringstermijn' (civic integration period).

This can only be done within 18 months after you start your civic integration. The municipality will then draw up a new plan. If you disagree with the new plan, you can lodge an objection with your municipality. You can appeal to the court if the municipality rejects your objection.

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