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Source: Mikhail Nilov

You take exams

Last updated: 11/16/2023, 3:53 PM
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In the 'B1-route' (B1 pathway) and the 'onderwijsroute' (educational pathway), you are required to take exams. In the 'zelfredzaamheidsroute' (self-sufficiency pathway), it is not compulsory. Then you can choose whether you want to take exams. You can read more about it on this page.

The 'B1-route' (B1 pathway)

For the 'B1-route' (B1 pathway), you need to take the following exams:

  • The reading exam at language level B1

  • The listening exam at language level B1

  • The writing exam at language level B1

  • The speaking exam at language level B1

  • The

    Click here for an additional explanation
    'Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij' (KNM)

If you do not manage to pass language exams at level B1 within 3 years, it is possible to take exams at level A2. Your contact person at the municipality can tell you more about this.

The 'onderwijsroute' (education pathway)

If you pass the State Examination B1, you can go to middle-level vocational education (MBO). Some MBO courses allow you to take the 'Nederlands op Staatsexamen B1' (Dutch at state examination B1) module as part of your course. You must then pass the course in order to continue your course.

If you pass the State Examination B2, your Dutch is good enough to do a Dutch-language course at higher general secondary education (HBO) or university.

For the 'onderwijsroute' (educaitonal pathway), you need to take the following exams:

  • The reading exam at language level B1 or B2

  • The listening exam at language level B1 or B2

  • The writing exam at language level B1 or B2

  • The speaking exam at language level B1 or B2

  • The

    Click here for an additional explanation
    'Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij' (KNM)

You must get a passing mark in all sections to pass.

The 'zelfredzaamheidsroute' (self-sufficiency pathway)

You will pass your civic integration with the 'zelfredzaamheidsroute' (self-sufficiency pathway) if the municipality thinks you can manage yourself well in the Netherlands. In a conversation with the municipality your contact person will determine whether you have passed.

So you do not have to take exams. But you may. You can take these exams voluntarily:

  • Dutch language (speaking, writing, listening and reading)

  • The

    Click here for an additional explanation
    'Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij' (KNM)

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