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You may not have to pay back your money for civic integration to DUO

Published at: 4/11/2024, 8:35 AM
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Did you borrow money for your civic integration from Dienst Uitvoeringsinstituut Onderwijs (DUO)? If so, you do not have to repay this loan for the time being. If you are already paying off your loan, DUO will not debit any more money from your bank account for the time being.

You will get a letter from DUO if you do not have to repay your loan or fine for the time being

Did you start civic integration before 1 January 2022? If so, you may have received a letter from

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. This contains information about the money you had to borrow because you did not pass your civic integration on time. The letter states that you do not have to repay this loan for the time being.

You will receive a new letter about your loan if:

  1. You received a letter from DUO on or after 15 March 2023 with a decision about a fine. This fine still applies, but you do not have to pay the fine back yet.

  2. You received a letter from DUO with a loan decision on or after 15 March 2023. The loan continues, but you do not have to pay it back yet.

  3. You received a "determination decision" letter from DUO and could file an objection on or after 15 March 2023. You can still file an objection now.

A European court decides whether DUO may reclaim the borrowed money

It is unclear whether DUO is allowed to reclaim the loan. It may not be allowed by European law. That is why the highest court in the Netherlands, the

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Council of State
, has asked a judge of the European Court to rule on this.

For now, DUO is not debiting money from your account

That is why DUO is currently stopping debiting money from your bank account. You do not have to pay anything back for the time being, at least until there is clarity from the European court. Also, DUO does not charge interest on the money you would repay during this period.

Has the European court issued a ruling? Maybe the judge will decide that DUO is allowed to reclaim the borrowed money. Or the judge may decide that it may not. It is still unclear what will happen then. You will receive another letter from DUO. It will state what the new situation is. And what this means for you. You will also read more about the ruling later on RefugeeHelp.

This message does not apply to you if you started civic integration later

Did you start civic integration after 1 January 2022? Then you fall under a different law. This is the Dutch Civic Integration Act 2021. Your municipality then pays for your civic integration. This message does not apply to you.

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