About RefugeeHelp
Welcome to the Netherlands. RefugeeHelp is the online platform that helps you find your way in the Netherlands with reliable and independent information. On RefugeeHelp, you can find information in 11 different languages. For example, about asylum, reception and integration in the Netherlands.
What is RefugeeHelp?
Independent and reliable
RefugeeHelp is developed and managed by VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN). VWN is a human rights organisation that works independently of the government. All information has been checked and written by VWN.
Together with you
During surveys, we ask refugee people how we can best help them with our website. You can also tip us anytime using the form on the website. You can find it at the bottom of the topic pages.
Online community
Via our social media channels, you can connect with other people with the same background as you who have also fled to the Netherlands. Here you can share experiences with each other. You can find our socials at the bottom of this page.
Who is RefugeeHelp for?
We are here for all refugees in the Netherlands:
- People who want to apply for or have already applied for asylum
- People with an asylum residence permit
- Refugees from Ukraine
- People whose request for asylum has been rejected

Who makes RefugeeHelp?
VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) manages RefugeeHelp together with partner organisations. A team from VWN keeps RefugeeHelp up-to-date on a daily basis. VWN is a human rights organisation and works independently of the government. In addition to managing RefugeeHelp, VWN also stands up for the interests of all refugees in the Netherlands. And VWN offers refugees personal support with, for example, legal questions, work and participation in the Netherlands.