Someone learns Dutch from a book with pictures
Source: Polina Tankilevitch

Help with the Dutch language

Last updated: 9/25/2024, 11:34 AM

You can practice Dutch in different ways. If you would like help learning the Dutch language, you can find more information on this page about how and where you can get help.

With a language buddy or language coach

You can look for a language buddy or language coach to practice Dutch with. There are groups on various social media, such as Facebook, where you can post a request to find a language buddy or language coach.

At the library

At many libraries you can practice Dutch on the computer. You can also borrow Dutch books at different levels. Volunteers often organise free language classes at the library.

You can also often get in touch with a language buddy through the library. Find a library near you at

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Use online resources

Online you can find many free websites and apps where you can practice Dutch. Here are some tips:
On '' you will find many online language classes for different levels.
'Nt2-taalmenu' is a website where you can practice the Dutch language from A1 level upwards.
'NOS Jeugdjournaal'
You can watch the 'NOS Jeugdjournaal' on television and online. You can listen to the news at B1 level Dutch.
The 'Duolingo' app allows you to practice the Dutch from English.

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