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Source: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland

Collecting and translating documents for family reunification

Last updated: 11/16/2023, 6:58 AM
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When applying for family reunification, you must send supporting documents to the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). These are documents that prove the identity of your family member and the family relationship between you and your family member.

Submitting personal documents for family reunification


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will ask for personal documents with your application for family reunification. You must submit the following documents for you and your family member:

  • A recent passport photo of your family member. If your family member does not have a passport photo, you can submit another clear photo of their face.

  • A copy of the front and back of your family member's ID – preferably a passport. Upload the pages containing details of their identity and validity of the ID. Also submit the pages with travel stamps.

  • A fully completed 'Handtekening upload' (signature upload) from yourself.

  • The fully completed and signed

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    background statement
    . This is a statement indicating your family member has no criminal history. A background statement is only required if your family member is 12 years of age or older.

  • The fully completed and signed declaration of marital status. This is a statement indicating your family member's marital status and whether they are in a long-term committed relationship. The declaration is required if your family member is 15 years of age or older.

Submitting documents showing the family relationship

You must also prove that you have a family relationship with your family members. This can be done with documents such as:

  • A marriage certificate

  • A birth certificate

  • A family record book

The IND's application form tells you exactly what documents you need. This form is called an 'Aanvraag voor een 

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Machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf
- nareizigers asiel' (application for a permit for provisional residence. You can find this form on the IND website.

Translate the documents into Dutch, English, French or German

All documents must be written in Dutch, English, German or French. If the documents are written in another language, a

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sworn translator
must translate these documents.

The translators you can choose from can be found in the 'Register beëdigde tolken en vertalers' (Rbtv) (register of sworn interpreters and translators).

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Step-by-step plan

Apply for family reunification within 3 months of your residence permit