After the 1st interview with the IND, you have to wait for the 2nd interview with the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). In the border procedure, this waiting period takes 6 days. You can use this waiting period to prepare.
VWN can also help you with legal support. And with gathering documents and evidence. Help from VWN is independent and free.
Before the 2nd interview with the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), you will be given a lawyer. You do not have to choose them yourself, but you will get one automatically. About a day after the briefing by VluchtelingenWerk you will have an interview with your lawyer. You will get this lawyer from the
Your lawyer will discuss with you the 1st interview with the IND and help you prepare for the 2nd interview. You will also have an interpreter at the talks with your lawyer to translate your conversation. The lawyer needs documents from you to help you as much as possible. It is therefore important that during the waiting period you collect as many documents as possible that support your identity and your refugee story.
Shortly before your asylum procedure begins, you usually receive a medical examination. A nurse from the organisation MediFirst examines whether you are physically and mentally healthy enough for the detailed interview at the IND. MediFirst provides independent medical advice. The examination is free of charge.
Please note: some asylum seekers do not receive a standard medical examination because they come from a country from which they are already more likely to receive asylum. Currently, these countries are Syria, Yemen and Turkey.
If you have any health issues, tell the nurse about them. That way the IND can take your health into account during the detailed interview.
If you have scars or traces of torture or mistreatment, MediFirst can report this to the IND in the assessment. If you talk about this during the detailed interview, the IND can include this in their decision.
MediFirst provides an assessment about your health. You must give MediFirst permission to forward the assessment to the IND.
MediFirst's examination is separate from other examinations, such as TB testing, DNA testing and age testing.
Please note: You are not required to cooperate with the medical examination. Failure to cooperate cannot be used against you by the IND when deciding on your asylum application. Not even if it turns out later that you do have medical issues.
Sometimes you will be given a tuberculosis test - this depends on your country of origin. A nurse in the reception centre examines whether you have the disease tuberculosis. If necessary, the nurse will take an X-ray of your lungs. If you do have tuberculosis, you will be given medicine for this.
Always come to the tuberculosis test. If you do not get tested, the IND may stop your procedure. So make sure you come to the appointment.