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Applying for temporary protection as a family member
Last updated: 7/12/2024, 3:11 PM

Do you have a family member with Ukrainian citizenship who has temporary protection in the Netherlands? If so, you may also be able to get protection in the Netherlands.

You must meet these conditions to receive temporary protection as a family member

You may be able to get temporary protection in the Netherlands if your family member stays in the Netherlands. But there are conditions you must meet. The conditions have to do with the relationship between you and your family member already living in the Netherlands.

You qualify for temporary protection if you:

  • Are the spouse or partner (not married) of your family member in the Netherlands and are in a long-term relationship together.

  • Are a minor child of your family member in the Netherlands. This also applies if you are adopted. If you have your own family and are married, you do not qualify.

  • Are another family member, for example a brother, sister, uncle or aunt, who is very dependent on your family in the Netherlands and you lived together in Ukraine. For example, due to illness. How to prove this depends on the situation.

Do you not have Ukrainian citizenship but your partner in the Netherlands does? Then you must arrive in the Netherlands at the same time to be entitled to temporary protection. Are you coming to the Netherlands later? Then you may not be entitled to temporary protection. Your partner with Ukrainian citizenship may be entitled to temporary protection.

You must prove that you are related to the family member in the Netherlands

When you arrive in the Netherlands, you must be able to show the

Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
that you are related to your family member who is already in the Netherlands. Therefore, bring documents with you that can prove this. For example, bring a marriage certificate or photos. You must also be able to prove that, before the war began, you lived together in Ukraine. It is also ok if you started living together (outside Ukraine) only after the war began. You may be able to prove this with a lease, for example.

You apply for temporary protection in the Netherlands yourself

Upon arrival in the Netherlands, you must apply for temporary protection yourself. Your family member in the Netherlands cannot do this for you. You apply for protection by registering at a municipality to get a personal number (BSN). You say when you register that your family member is already in the Netherlands and show your documents.

After you get a BSN from the municipality, you make an appointment with the IND to get proof of residence. You then show your documents again. The IND will assess whether you are entitled to temporary protection.

This is what you need to arrange if you fall under the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD)
On this page you can read about what you can do for yourself if you are covered by the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD).
Is your application rejected and you do not get temporary protection? Find out in this article what your options are.

These are your options if you are not entitled to temporary protection
This page will tell you what your options are if you do not have temporary protection in the Netherlands.

Do you need help or have any questions? Please contact Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland.

Contact with VluchtelingenWerk Nederland
You will find the contact information and a consultation hours card for VluchtelingenWerk Nederland on this page.

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