Furnishing a kitchen
This is what you need to take care of when you rent or buy your own home
Last updated: 5/25/2024, 12:00 PM

If you rent a house in the Netherlands, there are a number of things you need to arrange. Below you will find information about living expenses, insurance, reporting your address to the municipality and rent allowance.

You arrange the provisions and finances of your home

You arrange the following things in terms of money and provisions in your home:

Electricity and gas
Television and internet
Contents insurance
Apply for rent allowance

When you move, you notify the municipality

Everyone who is going to move in the Netherlands must report a change of address to the municipality. If you get a new address in the Netherlands you have to report as soon as possible to the (new) municipality to inform them about the new address. If you move to another municipality, report to the new municipality. You do not have to deregister from the municipality where you were living; the municipalities take care of this themselves. It is important to pass on your new address because otherwise you will be deregistered from the BRP and then you will no longer receive living allowance, for example.

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