Pregnant woman is examined with an ultrasound machine
Source: Pexels
Last updated: 6/24/2024, 12:26 PM

The following organisations provide information about your pregnancy and where to go in the Netherlands.

Pregnancy and childbirth in the Netherlands

You will find all the information you need about your pregnancy and childbirth in the Netherlands in a special information booklet. It includes information about check-ups during pregnancy and what you can discuss with the midwife or gynaecologist. You can also find out more about your health and tests during your pregnancy.The booklet was developed by the College Perinatale Zorg (CPZ) and is available in Ukrainian and Dutch.

You can download the information sheet here.

Obstetric Care

The care of an expectant mother and her child is primarily provided by a midwife. Obstetric care is the care before, during and after childbirth. In the Netherlands, there are many independent midwives with whom you can make an appointment. The general practitioner can also help you find a midwife. This care is reimbursed from the basic health insurance package. If there is a medical reason, an expectant mother is referred by the midwife to the gynaecologist in the hospital.

Registering your child

When your child is born, you must register it with the municipality where you are registered. If the child is born after you have completed the application form with the IND, you must also report the birth of your child to the IND. You can do this by filling out the M35-J form and sending it to the address on the form.

The M35-J document
Here is the link to the M35-J document.

Rutgers Knowledge Centre
Check out Rutgers Knowledge Centre's brochure on contraception in Ukrainian.
Fiom provides specialist help for unintended or unwanted pregnancies.
CenteringZorg offers free online support for pregnant women who have fled Ukraine.
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