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Car and driving licence in the Netherlands
Last updated: 11/16/2023, 3:49 PM

On this page you will find information about owning your own car in the Netherlands. And information about driving a car.

Taking a Ukrainian car into the Netherlands

You may use a Ukrainian car in the Netherlands if you register it. You get an exemption from passenger car and motorcycle taxes. If you want to qualify for this scheme, you must meet the following conditions:

  • The motor vehicle is registered in the Ukrainian registration register.

  • You came to the Netherlands with that motor vehicle.

  • You need to let the Dutch tax authorities know that you have a car and that you came to the Netherlands with it. You can find more information in the link below.

When you register your car, you will receive a letter. It is a good idea to put this letter in your car. Did you register your car longer ago? Then there is an expired date on your letter. You do not have to do a new registration. This letter with an expired date remains valid. The exemption is valid until 4 March 2025.

This may change because this is an exception to the normal rules. Normally, people have to pay two types of taxes:

  • Taxation of passenger cars or motorcycles (BPM)

  • Motor vehicle tax (MRB)

You can call the Dutch tax authorities to find out about this. The Dutch tax authorities will ask you for some information (BSN number, your address and vehicle information) and call you back when things are more clear.

The phone number of the Dutch customs tax service is: 0800- 0749. You can call toll-free Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 17:00.

Information about signing up for this temporary measure can be found here

Getting car insurance for your Ukrainian car

Regarding third-party insurance, some cars from Ukraine are insured only in Ukraine. If you came to the Netherlands with your own car, in that case you will have to take out additional insurance in the Netherlands. It is sometimes also possible to contact your own (or another) insurer in Ukraine. A number of Ukrainian insurers are still active. They may issue insurance with Europe-wide coverage and at a more affordable rate. Also, expiring insurance policies may still be able to be renewed

Getting a Dutch driver's licence

You cannot currently obtain a driving licence in the Netherlands. If you are covered by temporary protection, you can take a driving test. However, this is not of any use because the municipality does not give driving licences to people with temporary protection.

Driving a car with a Ukrainian driver's licence

Currently, you can drive a car in the Netherlands with a Ukrainian driver's licence. Normally, after 185 days you have to obtain a Dutch driving licence from the Central Bureau of Driving Licences (CBR). On 7 July 2022, a proposal was adopted by the European Commission and decided that people with Ukrainian driving licences, who are under Temporary Protection, will be allowed to keep their Ukrainian driving licences.

If you have lost your driving licence or your licence has been stolen, you are not currently allowed to drive a car in the Netherlands. The Dutch government is still investigating whether people can get a temporary driving licence. The European Commission is in talks with authorities in Ukraine.

Please note: Ukrainian driving licences that expired before 2022 must be renewed by the Ukrainian authorities. Ukrainian driving licences that expired in 2022 are considered valid in the Netherlands and by Ukraine (and therefore the EU).

Buying a car in the Netherlands
Webinar on traffic in the Netherlands by VluchtelingenWerk Nederland and Veilig Verkeer Nederland
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