Working safely in the Netherlands under the Temporary Protection Directive
When you work in the Netherlands, you have rights and duties that are important. It is possible that an employer might treat you badly. This is called exploitation and is punishable in the Netherlands. Read here and how to recognise and prevent exploitation.
If you work in the Netherlands you have labour rights
Anyone covered by the
Your employer is not allowed to pay you less than the minimum wage in the Netherlands.
You are entitled to holiday and days off.
You have the right to call in sick.
Your employer must deposit your salary into your bank account every month.
Your employer must provide a safe and healthy work environment.
You work up to 60 hours per week, but not every week.
Your employer must pay you a wage that is in line with the market. This means that the pay is normal for the work you will do with your knowledge and experience.
Are you under 18? Then you are not allowed to work at night or do dangerous work.
This is how you can recognise exploitation in work
Exploitation can mean several things. It could be that your employer forces you to work more than your contract states or to work too many hours in a row. It can also mean getting very little or even no money. Sometimes exploitation also means working in poor conditions or being treated badly by your employer. Here are signs of exploitation:
Your employer does not want to give you a contract and will only pay you in cash.
You have to work long hours without breaks or days off.
You get little, no or late payment.
You have to do dangerous or unhealthy work without protection.
Your employer is friendly at first, but then suddenly not.
Your employer pressures you to do things you do not want to do.
Your employer is secretive about the content of the job or where you go to work.
Your employer scares you or threatens you.
Your employer withholds your money. For example, because you have to pay a debt.
Your employer takes away your passport.
Your employer says you cannot talk to anyone about work.
Exploitation occurs in the Netherlands and can happen to anyone. If you are new to the Netherlands, you are more likely to be exploited. This is because you may not know the language and the rules very well yet. Or because you do not know how to work in the Netherlands and what is normal. Therefore, watch out for this. You have the same rights as people with a Dutch passport.
Here is what you can do if you are exploited
Employers who exploit people can be punished in the Netherlands. You have the right to report to the police if you are being exploited. Also if you work while this is not allowed or if you work without a contract or agreements on paper. The police will then help you. You will not be punished if your employer has done something criminal. You can also report exploitation anonymously. You can also take someone with you when you go to the police.
Always call 911 in an emergency. If it is not an emergency, call the Dutch police under (0900) 88 44. Have you have reported exploitation to the police? Then you have the right to a lawyer. This lawyer is usually free of charge.
Do you feel unsafe? Are you being forced to do things you do not want to do? You can ask for support from your contact at
This is how you can be alert to exploitation yourself
Take someone with you when you first meet a potential employer. Or make sure someone you trust knows where you are. Meet in a public place.
Know what your labour rights are in the Netherlands. You may be used to different rights in your country of origin, but Dutch rules apply in the Netherlands.
Make clear arrangements with your employer regarding your salary, working hours and when you will be paid. Make sure this is in writing in a contract you both sign.
Write down what arrangements you have made and keep your own records of your working hours. Keep all your documents.
Never hand over your passport or identity documents for an extended period of time. However, your employer may ask for a copy of your identity document. This is sometimes necessary for your contract.
Leave or ask for help if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable during your job interview or work.