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Source: Fauxels
Working under the Temporary Protection Directive
Published at: 4/4/2023, 12:14 PM

Anyone covered by the Temporary Protection Directive may work in the Netherlands. Your employer does not have to apply for a work permit for you. Even if you fall under the Temporary Protection Directive until 4 September 2023, you can continue to work in the Netherlands.

No reason for dismissal

Since the extension of the Temporary Protection Directive, employers do not always know if you are allowed to continue working. However, according to the directive, you may continue to work. If your employer threatens to fire you, ask them to contact the Dutch Labour Inspectorate or the IND. They can explain or prove to your employer that you may continue to work under the Temporary Protection Directive.

Working with valid proof of residence

As of 4 March 2023, if you have not yet received a letter about the renewal of your card (O-document) from the IND, your rights did not change on 4 March 2023. This means that you can continue to work. However, you must have a sticker or card that was valid until 4 March 2023, and you must be registered with the municipality (BRP).

The renewal letter

It is important that you get the letter about the renewal of your proof of residence. The letter and your old sticker together count as your new proof of residence under the Temporary Protection Directive. This shows government organisations, schools and employers that you are allowed to work and study. If you do not get this letter, call the IND. You can do so via the telephone number: 088 043 04 30. The IND expects to send the last letters (again) in March and April 2023.

Information on renewing your sticker or card
On this page you can read more about the extension of Temporary Protection for refugees from Ukraine.
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