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Empatia provides mental support in your own language
Published at: 5/23/2023, 10:30 AM

If you have fled Ukraine and are in need of psychological help, or if you have fled from Ukraine and are trained in mental healthcare, Empatia is here to help you from now on.

Mental healthcare in Ukrainian

Empatia is a mental healthcare programme that helps Ukrainians in the Netherlands in their own language. You can come to Empatia if you need mental support. And to prevent your mental symptoms from getting worse.

Empatia employs Ukrainian psychologists. Are you looking for a Ukrainian-speaking psychologist for you or your child? Then go to Empatia's website and find a psychologist. Then make an appointment with your general practitioner and ask for a referral to the Ukrainian-speaking psychologist you found. Does the GP still have questions? Then they can contact Empatia themselves. Help from Empatia is covered by the RMO.

Empatia website for mental support
Do you need mental support? You can call the helpline: 0031 10 200 5088 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or visit the website. 

Work that matches your experience

Empatia can also arrange for you to work as a Ukrainian psychologist in the Netherlands. The project guides psychologists from Ukraine through the process of credential evaluation by Nuffic. Depending on the degree rating, you can start working in your field. For example, as a basic psychologist in acute care or as a specialist in preventive care. This can be at a municipality, GGD location or social organisation. Empatia links you to a suitable workplace and to Ukrainians with a need for care.

Empatia website for specialists
If you would like to join as a specialist, check out Empatia's website for contact details and information

These organisations form Empatia

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, OPORA Foundation and PsyGlobal together form Empatia. In addition, the Loket Oekraïense Ontheemden Psychosociale Hulpverlening LOOP (Ukrainian displaced individuals psychosocial assistance office) is involved in Empatia. This is an information and advice centre for professionals and parties working with refugees from Ukraine. Empatia can help with any questions about mental assistance for Ukrainians.

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