Accommodation with host families through RefugeeHomeNL stops
RefugeeHomeNL is one of the organisations hosting refugees from Ukraine in Dutch host families. After 31 December, you can no longer live with a host family through RefugeeHomeNL.
RefugeeHomeNL stops because Ukrainians are eager for permanent housing
The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than 18 months. Many refugees from Ukraine indicate that they want housing where they can live for a longer period of time. A host family is usually temporary and does not match that desire.
RefugeeHomeNL also says refugees from Ukraine prefer places where there are no or few host families.
You can no longer sign up for RefugeeHomeNL
Until August 2023, people could register as a guest or host family for the last time. If you applied to RefugeeHomeNL after 25 August, RefugeeHomeNL will no longer look for a host family for you. Since September, RefugeeHomeNL no longer puts guests and host families in contact with each other.
If you are currently staying with a host family, you still have support from RefugeeHomeNL until the end of 2023. If you want to leave your host family before the end of 2023, RefugeeHomeNL will also help with your departure from the host family.
Host families continue to be available
Host families do remain available. Only the RefugeeHomeNL organisation is stopping looking for and helping host families and guests. You can still live with a host family through other organisations. You can also arrange it independently.
If you live in a host family of RefugeeHomeNL and have agreed together that you want to continue this in 2024, you can! You will only no longer have support from RefugeeHomeNL from 2024.