NOS presenter Jeroen Overbeek presents the news.
Source: NOS
Learn Dutch better now with the NOS news in easy language
Published at: 9/27/2024, 12:00 AM

Do you want to learn Dutch and keep up to date with the news in the Netherlands at the same time? Then you can watch the NOS Journaal in Makkelijke Taal every working day since September 2024.

The newsreel in easy language is especially for adults who want to learn Dutch

Besides the regular newsreel, which you can see every day on Dutch television, there is now also a newsreel in easy language. This is called the

Journaal in Makkelijke Taal. It is made especially for people who want to improve their Dutch or are still learning the language.

In this newsreel, newsreaders talk about 3 important events in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. The newsreader uses simpler words and explains things more calmly and clearly than in the regular newsreel.

The NOS newsreel in easy language can be watched Monday to Friday at 17:00 on the channel

. You can also watch it online on NPO Start. An episode lasts about 10 minutes.

NPO Start: NOS newsreel in easy language
On the website of the Dutch Foundation for Public Broadcasting (NPO), you can watch the NOS newsreel in easy language every day.
The Jeugdjournaal is also the news in easy Dutch

There is also a special journal for children and youth in the Netherlands. Do your kids want to learn better Dutch or know more about the news in the Netherlands? Or would you like to watch this newsreel yourself at


Then watch the NOS Jeugdjournaal. This newsreel explains the news in a way that is understandable to young people. But the Jeugdjournaal is faster and discusses more topics than the Journaal in Makkelijke Taal.

NOS Jeugdjournaal
On the NOS Jeugdjournaal website, you can watch the Jeugdjournaal (youth newsreel) back.

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