A terrace house in the Netherlands.
Renting or buying your own home in the Netherlands
Last updated: 7/17/2024, 9:22 PM

You can rent housing if you have fled Ukraine and fall under the Temporary Protection Directive (RTB). Below you will find information if you want to rent accommodation in the Netherlands yourself.

You can rent a home

In the Netherlands, there is a difference between social rental housing and rental housing in the free sector. Rental housing in the free sector can be rented by anyone. Certain conditions apply to social rental housing. For example, you must have a housing permit.

In the Netherlands, there are currently fewer available (rental) properties than the number of house seekers. This makes it difficult to rent housing. Due to the housing shortage, rental prices are very high and it can take a long time to find suitable housing. The housing shortage is a problem across the Netherlands. How difficult it is to find housing can vary by town or village. In general, it is more difficult in (large) cities than in villages.

These conditions must be met if you want to rent

As a tenant, you must meet certain requirements. Which requirements apply to you depends on what kind of home you want to rent. For example, different requirements sometimes apply to social housing than to housing in the free sector.

Sometimes landlords in the free sector make demands that they are not legally allowed to make. If you are in doubt about whether the landlord is making these kinds of demands, you can contact the Legal Help Desk.

Juridisch Loket

Renting in the private sector
Social housing

You can buy a house

As a refugee from Ukraine, you may buy a house in the Netherlands. Usually you then need a mortgage. This is a loan you get from a bank to buy a house. If you have temporary protection in the Netherlands, it is difficult to get such a loan because you can only stay in the Netherlands temporarily and do not have a permanent residence permit.

Looking for a house to buy
This is what you need to take care of when you rent or buy your own home
This page tells you what you need to take care of when you rent or buy a house.
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