Train stopped at Dutch station.
This is what you need to do when arriving in the Netherlands
Last updated: 6/26/2024, 2:57 PM

Have you fled from Ukraine and are new to the Netherlands? Then the Dutch government will make sure you are taken care of. Read more about it here.

Conditions for entering the Netherlands at the border

Do you have a biometric Ukrainian passport? You are probably entitled to reception through the

Temporary Protection Directive (TPD)
. You can enter the Netherlands freely. Ukrainians are not subject to entry rules or special conditions at the border of the Netherlands.

Have you fled Ukraine, but do not have Ukrainian nationality or did not have a permanent residence permit in Ukraine? You may be entitled to temporary protection in the Netherlands. There may be certain conditions you must meet in order to enter the Netherlands.

For reception centres and registration, you can report to a municipality

Are you new to the Netherlands? Then when you arrive in the Netherlands you can register with any municipality in the Netherlands. You do this by going to a counter of any municipality in the Netherlands. If you have friends or family in the Netherlands, for example, you can register at the reception municipality where your friends or family members are staying.

When you register with the municipality where you live, you will be included in the

Dutch population register (BRP)
. After registration you have 4 weeks to make an appointment with the
Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)

Can you not go to a municipality because there is no place available? Then the municipality will contact the

Dutch Regional Coordination Center for Refugee Dispersal (RCVS)
. You do not have to do this yourself. The RCVS looks for you to see where there is a place for you in the Netherlands.

Is the municipality refusing to offer you a place in a reception centre and is the municipality not looking for another place for you? Then contact

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)

Contact with VluchtelingenWerk
Are you unable to make an appointment with the IND through the municipality? Please contact VluchtelingenWerk

Register with a Dutch municipality
This step-by-step plan tells you what to do if you want to apply for temporary protection in the Netherlands.

If you are under 18, you will receive support after your arrival in the Netherlands

Are you under 18 when you arrive in the Netherlands? Then you will get support from the

Nidos foundation
. This organisation explains the Dutch rules and supports you in making decisions and finding reception and education.

Nidos can also temporarily take on the role of guardian. A guardian is someone who gets to make decisions for you. Nidos does this as long as your own parents are not here and until you turn 18 or return to Ukraine.

You receive support from Nidos as soon as you are registered with a municipality. The municipality then registers you with Nidos. You can also register yourself with Nidos. You can do so from the moment you arrived in the Netherlands without your parents.

Nidos is a reception organisation for if you have fled without your parents and are under the age of 18. You can call Nidos at the phone number: +3188 501 12 00. On this page you can read more about NIDOS in Dutch.

VWN can support you if you have been turned down at a reception centre

Have you been rejected from a HUB and have questions about this? Or do you not know what to do next?

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
can give you advice and support.

Contact with VluchtelingenWerk Nederland
On this page you will find contact options with RefugeeWerk Nederland (VWN). Do you have a question that is not answered on RefugeeHelp? VWN staff will be happy to help you.

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