Third-country nationals protest in The Hague against ending temporary protection.
Source: Arie Kieviet / VluchtelingenWerk Nederland
You can still stay in the Netherlands if your temporary protection ended on 4 March
Published at: 4/30/2024, 1:57 PM

Has your temporary protection stopped because you had a temporary residence permit in Ukraine? Then you may still stay in the Netherlands for the time being. This was decided by the Dutch government on 25 April 2024.

You may stay in the Netherlands until Europe's highest court decides

The highest court in the Netherlands (

) ruled in January 2024 that the temporary protection was allowed to stop for refugees with a temporary residence permit in Ukraine. Yet now there is ambiguity whether this ruling was correct according to European rules. Europe's highest court must now explain what the situation is. Until then, everyone may await the ruling of this European court in the Netherlands, this is what the Dutch news site is writing.

This applies to anyone with a temporary residence permit in Ukraine

The Dutch government decided that people who had a court case could stay in the Netherlands while waiting for the ruling. Now the government has said that, for the time being, you can stay in the Netherlands even if you do not have a pending court case. So everyone will be allowed to stay in the Netherlands until the European court rules. It is not clear when this European court will make a ruling. You may stay in the Netherlands at least until 4 March 2025 to await the ruling.

You are also now entitled to a place in a reception centre, living allowance and work again

You will once again have the same rights from now on as you had under the

Temporary Protection Directive (TPD)
. That means you are again entitled to:

  • Reception in the municipality

  • Living allowance

  • Work, you do not need a special work permit (

    ) for this.

  • Healthcare

  • Education

Have you previously been turned away from a reception centre, but you are still in the Netherlands? Then you can report to the municipality where you were previously in a reception centre. The municipality previously had the right to send you away from the reception centre. But you can apply for a place in a reception centre there again.

Does this municipality not want to give you a place in a reception centre? Then contact

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
. They can also help you file a complaint against the municipality.

Have you previously been sent away from a reception centre in the Netherlands, but are no longer in Europe? Then you cannot return to the Netherlands and are no longer entitled to temporary protection.

Contact with VluchtelingenWerk Nederland
An VluchtelingenWerk Nederland employee can help you.

You can pick up your proof of residence from 6 May

From 6 May, you can pick up a residence sticker from the IND. You will receive a letter about this from the IND. With this sticker you can show that they are allowed to stay and work in the Netherlands for the time being.

You can still investigate whether you can get a residence permit in the Netherlands for other reasons as well

Are you staying in the Netherlands while waiting for the ruling of the European court? Then you can explore various options for staying in the Netherlands even after the European court's ruling.

These are your options if you are not entitled to temporary protection
On this page you can read about your options if you are not or no longer covered by the Temporary Protection Directive. You then have a number of options, such as: apply for asylum, return to your country of origin or apply for another residence permit.

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