The asylum procedure
Step-by-step plans (2)
The general asylum procedure
Have you arrived in the Netherlands by land? Then you apply for asylum through the general asylum procedure. You apply for this in the Dutch village of Ter Apel. Read here how this asylum procedure works.
The border procedure: seeking asylum when you arrive at an airport or port

Requirements for an asylum residence permit
You can apply for asylum in the Netherlands under certain conditions. The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) assesses whether you meet those conditions. After that, the IND will also determine whether you will get an asylum a or b residence permit. You cannot apply for asylum in the Netherlands if you are abroad.

Arrival in the Netherlands at Schiphol Airport, another airport or at a port
Do you arrive by plane at Schiphol Airport, another airport or at a port in the Netherlands? And do you not have a valid visa and passport to enter the Netherlands? Then apply for asylum there. You then await your asylum application in a closed reception centre at Schiphol Airport.

Accelerated procedure if you come from a safe country of origin
If you are from a country that is safe according to the Dutch government, your asylum application will be processed in a fast-track procedure. There is a good chance that the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will reject your asylum application.

The Dublin Procedure
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) may decide that another European country should process your asylum application. You will then enter the Dublin procedure. Read more here about how the Dublin procedure works.

Here is what you can do to properly prepare for your asylum procedure in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, it can take a long time before your asylum procedure starts and you get your first interviews with the IND. You may not remember all parts of your flight story as well as you do now. Below you can read how best to prepare for the procedure if you have to wait a long time.

Additional information about the asylum process if you are LGBTQIA+
Have you fled because you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex? And do you therefore want to apply for asylum in the Netherlands? If so, it is important that you tell your lawyer and the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) during the asylum procedure.

Additional information about your asylum procedure if you are under 18 years of age
Are you younger than 18 and have fled to the Netherlands on your own? Then the asylum procedure may go a little differently for you than for adults. There are special rules and you receive additional support. In this article you can read what you need to know.

The extended asylum procedure
If the IND needs more time to process your asylum application, you will switch to the Extended Asylum Procedure (VA). The IND decides after the 2nd interview whether you will switch to the VA. The VA can take a few months or longer.

These are the different types of reception locations if you apply for asylum in the Netherlands
If you apply for asylum in the Netherlands, you are entitled to a place in a reception centre. There are different types of reception locations, depending on your situation and how long you have to wait for a decision on your asylum application. Sometimes you will be moved to another reception location during your procedure. Below you can read more about the different reception locations.

What you need to know about family reunification
You cannot apply for family reunification without an asylum residence permit in the Netherlands. If you have a high chance of getting an asylum residence permit, sometimes you can already prepare your application for family reunification.
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